Cancer - Nutrition Workshop

What 'Carcinogenic' Is Cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by mutating cells in the body. Until now, there is no 100% way to predict where, when, and how a cellular program will fail. Medicine knows only factors that increase the likelihood of mutation (they are called " carcinogenic ", that is, "causing tumors"): radiation exposure, exposure to toxic substances, a general decrease in immunity, etc. , but even they do not lead to the development of cancer with one hundred percent probability. The opposite is also true: no modern therapy can protect a person from the risk of tumors.

A tumor, or carcinoma, occurs when a somatic (non-reproductive) cell in the body begins to divide and grow chaotically. Usually, each cell in the body lives on a well-defined schedule known as the cell cycle. When its program is completed, the cell stops dividing and dies, and the cleaning cells (phagocytes) destroy its traces so that inflammation does not arise in the tissues due to organic debris. The cell “learns” that its days are numbered thanks to telomeres - tiny pieces of DNA at the ends of chromosomes. When a cell divides, part of the telomere dies, and when the entire telomere is used up, division stops. This phenomenon was discovered in the 60s of the last century by Leonard Hayflick, after whom it was named. The Hayflick limit occurs at about 50 divisions.

Why would a cell die at all? This is because, in the process of division, microscopic mutations inevitably arise - both minor and very harmful. It is because of them that our body is aging: at some point, there are too many mutations in it, and the cellular program fails one after another. They arise mainly due to the aggressive effects of the environment, but even a person raised in complete isolation will not live forever - nature has taken care of this.

Diet food for cancer patients

A diet for cancer is the correct change in the diet, due to which it is possible to slow down the development of the oncological process and strengthen the body as a whole.

The main tasks of changing the diet of cancer patients are:
ensuring good functioning of the immune system;
Neutralization and removal of malignant formation transuranic elements (detoxification) from the body;
Stimulating a burst of strength and courage to battle oncology actively;
Making sure the most essential organs, including the kidneys, liver and intestinal tract, operate correctly;
in addition to the main treatment with the intake of natural substances that can slow down the growth of neoplasms.

In clinics abroad, special attention is paid to the patient, which includes, among other things, the choice of the correct diet, which would contribute to the well-being and increase the body's resistance. At the same time, doctors closely monitor changes in health, and, if necessary, adjust food intake.

Nutrition for cancer is prepared using the following healthy foods:

1. It is suspected that the yellow, brown, and reddish-orange fruits and vegetables contain       carotenoids, considered to have beneficial anti-cancer effects. First, these are apricots, citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, and zucchini. Beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene enhance immunity and protect the structure of the cells from radiation.

2. In the case of liver damage, food should be fractional without fatty and heavy foods, including a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins that are easily absorbed, trace elements, and fiber.

3. Broccoli, radishes, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, turnips, mustard belong to cruciferous vegetables, which have indole, an active element that helps cleanse the liver and neutralize harmful chemical factors.

4. Some varieties of green plants are rich in chlorophyll, so their inclusion in cancer nutrition helps against abnormal elements and microbes. These examples include unicellular green algae, blue-blue and green peas and mustard, cabbage, dandelion shoots, nettle leaves.

5. Green tea is famous for its various strengthening properties.

6. The antitumor impact of pineapples, broccoli, and garlic promotes detoxification. They reduce the likelihood of developing nitroso-induced oncology.

7. In the case of breast cancer, it is recommended to increase the intake of vitamin D, bran, whole grains, and their sprouts, beans, bran.

8. Ellagic acid, which is considered a strong antioxidant and inhibits degradation of cell membranes, contains raspberries, pomegranates, grapes, strawberries, blueberries.

9. With the oncology of pancreas, you can not eat some useful foods. For example, dates, bananas, and grapes. Low-fat dairy products will have an effective effect.

For cancer, doctors also recommend including the following foods in the diet:

potatoes, peppers, and beans;
gooseberries, rose hips, hawthorn fruits;
apples, peaches;
parsley dill;
buckwheat, brown rice, oats, barley;
basil, celery, spinach;
parsnips, lentils, peas, coriander;
horseradish, melon, turnip, eggplant, radish;
corn, basmati rice, pumpkin;
wheat and its living sprouts;
sea buckthorn, lingonberry, red and black currant, black chokeberry, cranberry;
honey (has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticarcinogenic effects).

Solving the Nutrition Gap.  
Nutrition Workshop:-

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