Healthiest Foods For A Healthy Heart ! - No Oil – No Boil – No Steam

Hello and welcome to our 5th weekly article release and what a great topic we have, Healthiest Foods For A Healthy Heart !  - No Oil – No Boil – No Steam.  Before we get stuck in I feel it is only fair to make the following statement so that all is transparent from the outset as only a few won't read the profile page.  Please born in mind, we are not; nor do we claim to be qualified dietitians or nutritionist.  

Our articles are merely guides and tips has research suggests to assist you in your healthy eating lifestyle journey.  We do the research so you don't have to; plus it helps give clarity when you have one of our FREE Healthy Nutritious Meals  [HNM] at home show.    Here we are looking at nine heart healthy foods that help promote / protect  reduce and improve dietary diseases.

  1. Beans:
  2. Berries:
  3. Dark chocolate:
  4. Fatty fish:
  5. Green Vegetables:
  6. Green Tea:
  7. Drinking Water:
  8. Olive Oil:
  9. Tomatoes:
  10. Whole Grains:


Legumes and beans are the greatest seeds and fruit to the plant family Fabaceae. Legumes and beans are eaten in the mass all around the world and a rich source of B vitamins and Fiber, a great meat replacement as a source of veg protein.  Chickpeas, Lentils and Peas are also a great source.  

Chickpea Break Down - 614 grams Cooked

Fiber:              12.5g
Protein:          14.5g
Iron:                26% RDI
Copper:          29% RDI
Folate:            71% RDI (Vitamin B9)
Manganese:    84% RDI
Calories:         269

Lentils Break Down – 198 grams Cooked

Fiber:              15.6g
Protein:          17.9g
Thiamine:       22% RDI (Vitamin B1)
Copper:          29% RDI
Manganese:    49% RDI
Folate:            90% RDI (Vitamin B9)
Calories:         230

Peas Break Down – 198 grams Cooked

Protein:          8.2g
Fiber:              8.8g
Manganese:    22% RDI
Folate:            24% RDI (Vitamin B9)
Thiamine:       30% RDI (Vitamin B1)
Vitamin K:      48% RDI

SoyBeans Break Down - 172 grams Cooked

Fiber:            10.3g
Protein:         28.9g
Folate:          23% RDI (vitamin B9)
Riboflavin:   29% RDI  (vitamin B2)
Vitamin K:    41% RDI
Phosphour:    42% RDI
Iron:              49% RDI
Manganese    71% RDI
Calories:        298 

If your need to reduce blood sugar and increase insulin, look no further then Beans and Chickpeas, to reduce cholesterol eat 1.8 ounces or 50g of peas per day for 28 days will greatly reduce insulin resistance and belly fat.

Take an average 1/3 cup of beans on a daily bases can help improve heart health and to decrease high cholesterol level and other diseases. Moreover lot of research evidence suggests that SoyBeans and isoflavones is a great cancer fighting agent. 



Not only are berries tantalizingly yummy, they are small pulpy and mostly an edible fruit internationally known as healthy.  When we think of fruit we associate them with a sweet taste, but berries come sweet and sour without a pip or stone.  They are probably the healthiest fruit in the world. Acai Berry, Blackberry and Blueberry are also a great source. 

Acai Berry Break Down – 3 grams - Frozen, Juiced and Powder form.

Protein:                        0g
Carbohydrate:             1g
Fat:                              1.5g
Calories:                      20
Vitamin A

Blackberry Break Down – 1 Cup

Fat:                             1g
Protein:                      2g
            Sugar:             7g
            Fiber:              8g
Calories:                     62
Vitamin K1:                36% RDA
Vitamin C:                  50% RDA
Manganese:                47% RDA

Blueberry Break Down – 1 Cup

Fat:                              0g
Protein:                      1g
            Fiber:              4g
            Sugar:             15g
Calories:                     84
Vitamin C:                   24% RDA
Vitamin K1:                36% RDA
Manganese:                25% RDA

To lower blood pressure and heart disease risks, indulge in a good helping of Acai Berry, Blackberry and Blueberry.

Dark chocolate:

If you have been following the past three articles or have a keen interest in health,  we have mention several terms in relation to health and nutrition of which should now be almost second nature.  I feel Chocolate is the best sub –subject topic for us to get interactive whereby you can assess your learning.

First; let’s understand the difference between Milk chocolate and Dark _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  Milk chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar and a small quantity of cacao whereas dark chocolate contains a higher level of cacao and less sugar.   Cacao is a plant with significant levels of m_ _ e _ _ _ _ and antioxidants. 

Both flavanols and polyphenols are compounds that possess antioxidant properties, which prevents oxidative stress.   Oxidative stress is the damage of excessive amount of free radicals that contributes to natural ageing and impose on cell and body tissues of which
a _ _ i _ _ i _  _ _ _ s neutralize.

Oxidative stress over time can contribute to the development of dietary disease like Eye Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Heart disease.

Dark Chocolate Break Down – 70-85 % of cacao

Zinc                            3.34 mg
Iron                            12.02 mg
Magnesium               230 mg
P_ _ _ _ _ _               7.87 g
Dietary fiber             11 g
S_ _ _ _                    24.23 g
_ _t                           43.06 g
Carbohydrates          46.36 g
_ _ _ _ries                 604

If you take anything away from this section topic, eating dark chocolate on a regularly basis could help reduce the likeness of developing heart disease.  Flavanols specifically impact two risk factors for heart disease; High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure.

Fatty fish:

Researchers suggest that Oily Fatty Fish rich in omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, help reduce inflammation and the likely hood of contracting heart disease.  Eating fatty fish like Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, Herring, Albacore Tuna and Sardines twice a week is best practice.

If you are focus on weight loss, eating a variety of healthy rich food is paramount to maintaining a healthy weight.  Once again, eating fresh fish twice a week will get you plenty of protein without unhealthy fats.

Green Vegetables:

Read the article HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW Your Fruit From Your Veg
July 17, 2019 Mr. Leafy Green Family

Green Tea:

Green tea is packed to the rafters with antioxidants and nutrients which have powerful outcomes on the body such as fat loss, brain function and a low risk of cancer.  Green tea holds bioactive compounds with improve health all-round, it’s more than a liquid.

Green Tea is an anti-inflammatory agent, and helps fight Cancer.   It’s 30% polyphenols by weight couple with a generous amount of catechin EGCG.  It will also reduce the formation of free radicals which as aforementioned is link to Oxidative stress and ageing.

What is the healthiest beverage on the planet today? _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _

Drinking Water:

Our bodies need and uses water in all its cells, tissues and organs  to assist in regulating its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Our bodies loses water when breathing, sweating, and through digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.  Not ever source of water is good for drinking after-all water is a living source and you want the best at the same cost  -Alkalife.

9.5pH LIVE
IONIZED SPRING WATER - Health benefits

Weigh Loss
Reverse Acidosis
Liquid Antioxidant
Increased energy

Probably the healthiest drinking water on the planet!

Olive Oil:

Some say Extra Virgin Olive Oil  “EVOO hereafter” is the healthiest fat however; fats are the integral part of you healthy diet. But have taken Avocado Oil into account!

Olive Oil Break Down – 14g 1 tablespoon

Polyunsaturated Fat             1.8 g
Saturated Fat                         2.2 g   
Monounsaturated Fat           10 g
Calories                                  120

Most people take EVOO for its antioxidants and beyond for its nutritional value.


Tomatoes nutritional make up promotes weight loss, healthy heart and healthful skin.  If you didn’t know this take good note. Tomatoes are a great food benefit in the protection of cancer, blood pressure, diabetes but best of all tomatoes contain lutein and lycopene.

Tomatoes Break Down – 100 grams raw
Fat:                  0.2 g
Protein:          0.9 g
Fiber:              1.2 g
Sugar:             2.6 g
Carbs:             3.9 g
Water:            95%
Calories:         18

Whole Grains

Wheat is a carb but also has a reasonable amount of protein.  By adding it to your diet, you can safely wave goodbye to constant constipation and diverticulosis.  It will promote the feeling of fullness with very little calories.

Wheat Break Down – 100 grams

Sugar:             0.4 g
Fat:                  2.5 g
Fiber:              10.7 g
Protein:          13.2 g
Carbs:             72 g
Water:            11%
Calories:         340

Wheat is loaded with nutrients, protein, Fiber, B Vitamins, antioxidants, iron, copper and magnesium.  Having a rich diet of whole grain will assist in the reduction risk of heart disease type 2 diabetes, obesity and some cancer forms.   Here are a few healthiest and ready availability grains, Bulgur, Kamut, Amaranth, Farro, Wheat berry and Teff.  B Vitamins like riboflavin, thiamin, and niacin play a key part in metabolism and help release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

Keep an eye open for our next article of  FOOD  |  HEALTH  | EDIFICATION


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